When winter is approaching and the coughs and sniffles spreading, there is only so much blocking of the germs that copious amounts of hand-san and “scarf-to-the-nose” trick can do. A good nutritious diet (and of course in combination with a little exercise) can be all that is need to prevent yourself from the sniffle bug this season. Here are some great suggestions to keep your body in tip-top shape this winter:

  • dark chocolate – this item is joyfully listed first. The high amounts of cocoa in dark chocolate support the growth of T-cells which boost immunity and the way our bodies fight infection.
  • garlic – this delicious root that gives many foods a great little kick contains sulphur compounds – that help in wipe away bacteria and fight infections. Winter is the perfect time for soups, and stir-frys so why not mince a few cloves and pop it into your dishes.  However, for immune boosting properties, lots of garlic must be consumed.
  • almonds – packed full of vitamin E, almonds have been suggested to reduce overall inflammation in the body and especially in the immune system, and therefore prevent illness.
  • olive leaf extract – always a cold + flu season favourite. Once again, working with the immune system , this powerful little anti-oxident formula destroys bad bacteria in the body and keeps the good bacteria untouched (unlike anti-biotics which destroys both types). I use Natures Own Liquid Olive Leaf Extract (below) – around $15 for 300ml from most supermarkets and health food stores.
  • quality natural/greek yoghurt – like olive leaf extract, yoghurt is a pro-biotic which removes bad bacteria from the body which will support a healthy immune system.
  • legumes (especially red kidney beans!) – red beans contain a mulittude of nutrients – iron, magnesium, phosphorus and  potassium which all help keep electrolytes in balance to keep you hydrated (increasingly important if you are to become ill).
  • fruits + veg – and plenty of them! There is no doubt about it that fruit and veg will both prevent and ward off colds and flu’s, and the more colour and variety the better. Most importantly eat the dark leafy green veg as they are known to be the most nutrient-dense – exactly what the body needs to keep it in it’s best shape and form.

Keep in mind… many head for the supplement isle during winter or when they are truing to prevent illness. If you eat a healthy balanced diet there is absolutely no need for extra supplements in your diet – and if you are concerned you may be lacking in a vitamin, then get a blood test with your doctor. Although seemingly harmless, it can be dangerous to self-prescribe vitamins, especially if you are taking them for extended periods of time. This is again especially the case for your fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E + K) which the body has a harder time removing from the body (unlike the B vitamins and vitamin C). It’s difficult to overdose from a vitamin from eating food alone, as most foods contain safe amounts well below the UL (upper limit) set in Australia.

And one last note… although vitamin C is commonly associated with colds + sicknesses, it actually doesn’t do a whole lot in preventing an sickness – only reducing length and severity of symptoms once you have one.

Enjoy a flu-free winter ❤
